My Background

About Me

I’m a Teacher

I’m a licensed teacher, classically trained in art and art history. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the Art Education program of the University of Wisconsin, Stout, where I graduated with honors. I taught art at Our Lady of Peace School in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from 2014 to 2018. I taught kindergarten at Thorp Catholic School in Thorp, Wisconsin, from 2018 to 2020.

I’m a Photographer

I started working as a professional photographer’s assistant in high school. I started taking on professional photography assignments of my own during college, and I continue to take occasional jobs as a portrait and product photographer. My photos are more than just snapshots. They tell the stories of the people at the heart of the schools and communities where I’ve worked.

I’m a Social Media Specialist

In addition to teaching, I put my professional photography skills to use and served as a social media specialist at the schools where I’ve taught. I used photos, videos, and graphics to share news and information, build enrollment, boost attendance, and ensure student, family, and alumni satisfaction.

I’m an Artist

I am a practicing artist. My entire home is an art studio. I paint, draw, and create mixed-media portraits and landscapes. I’m also enthusiastic about fiber arts — the timeless art of needlepoint, with a modern spin. I use embroidery to reproduce heirloom photos on vintage textiles. I also create contemporary wallhangings with freeform embroidery in impressionistic designs.

Need a teacher? I'm available for classes, workshops, and home-school enrichment programs.