Teaching in the 21st Century

Teaching in the 21st Century

Social media has become a key component of teaching. It’s a crucial tool for teachers who want to communicate with students and families, and a necessity for school administrators who want to stay in touch with their communities.

In addition to teaching, I’ve served as a social media specialist at the schools where I taught art and kindergarten.

My skills as a photographer have given me a solid foundation for social media outreach. I learned photography in high school. By the time I was in college, I was able to cover some of my expenses by working as a professional photographer. And as social media has grown, I’ve been able to use photography as a foundation for clear and compelling online communication.

Images are the heart of social media — but my photos are more than just snapshots. They tell the stories of the people and places at the heart of the schools and communities where I’ve worked.

As social media has evolved, still photography has expanded into videography, and I’m skilled at producing videos for online distribution, too. As a social media coordinator, I also enjoyed creating prerecorded shorts, as well as hosting live video for my schools.

While I’m adept at digital media, I’m well-versed in print production and written communication, too. Over the last 15 years, I’ve helped produce a number of newspaper supplements, newsletters, books, posters, and flyers.

I’m exceptionally creative, which comes in handy when it’s time to develop content marketing calendars. I love to brainstorm, especially as part of a group. I’m a stickler for deadlines, and I enjoy bringing ideas to fruition, on time and under budget.