I’m an experienced teacher, classically trained in art and art history. I’m licensed to teach art to all ages, early childhood to adult, in Florida and Wisconsin. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the Art Education program of the University of Wisconsin, Stout, where I graduated with honors. I taught art at Our Lady of Peace School in Minneapolis, from 2014 to 2018. I taught kindergarten at Thorp Catholic School in Thorp, Wisconsin, from 2018 to 2020. I’m also a professional photographer, and I used my photography expertise to develop social media programs for both schools.
Click here to download a printable PDF of my resume.
- Florida DOE Number 1438410
- Wisconsin Entity Number 806599
Kindergarten Teacher, Thorp Catholic School, Thorp, Wisconsin (2018-2020)
- Created a kindergarten curriculum from scratch, based on Common Core national standards.
- Used real-world skills to bolster academic concepts. Hands-on lessons included cooking, phone skills, holiday traditions, and social conventions.
- Designed lessons to interest parents, grandparents, and siblings. Scheduled some presentations and events for lunchtime to encourage family participation.
- Developed and implemented running records and critical assessments.
- Differentiated instructions for multiple learning levels. Incorporated digital learning.
- Incorporated American Sign Language and Spanish into lessons, daily routines, and activities.
- Renovated an outdated classroom to appeal to early learners and their parents.
- Garnered excellent reviews from supervisors and district administrators. Earned high performance ratings on all formal and informal observations.
Art Teacher, Our Lady of Peace School, Minneapolis, Minnesota (2014-2018)
- Doubled elementary art program.
- Developed thematic, school-wide units with a focus on life skills and art history.
- Created multi-media presentations, worksheets, visual resources, and assessments.
- Differentiated instructions.
- Ordered, gathered, and maintained studio supplies.
- Actively participated within online communities of art educators.
- Created art with students and decorated for every concert, book fair, and major gathering.
- Spearheaded multiple interdisciplinary units between English, Geography, Spanish and music.
- Served as Art Adventure coordinator for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
Kenner Summer Art Camps
When parents requested summer enrichment opportunities, I developed art camps for my students.
- 2015 STEAM Camp focused on art in nature and found objects
- 2016 Eric Carle Art Week combined literacy and art through Eric Carle books
- 2017 Viking Art Camp highlighted the art, culture, and history of the Vikings in Scandinavia
Covid Classes
- Innovated and adapted lessons during the Covid pandemic.
- Used social media for some lessons including story times, student shout-outs, and butterfly hatching video updates. Utilized Zoom, Skype, and Bluejeans technology.
- Created paper packets for students, and arranged for parents to pick up and drop off the packets while remaining socially distanced.
- Hand-delivered supplies to some families under quarantine. Decorated doorsteps for birthdays.
- Made remote learning resources developmentally appropriate. Focused on academic necessities, with additional resources like Play-Doh and bubbles to keep students excited and engaged.
Teaching Specialties
Click these links for photos that demonstrate how I teach the following subjects:
Thorp Catholic School and Our Lady of Peace School, Wisconsin and Minnesota
- Used photos, videos, and graphics to share news and information, build enrollment, boost attendance, and ensure student, family, and alumni satisfaction.
- Took professional photos of students, teachers, and school events.
- Responded to private messages in a timely manner with politeness and professionalism.
- Created and edited video promotions and broadcast live video.
- Designed posters, flyers, and newspaper inserts for print publication.
- Developed social media posts, photos, and graphics for online distribution.
- Used social media to provide emergency updates for faculty, staff, students, and parents, including weather alerts and Covid information.
- Worked closely with faculty, staff, and stakeholders to create content marketing calendars.
- Stickler for deadlines: completed assignments on time and under budget.
- Developed cross-platform graphic standards to maintain branding, identity, and messaging.
- Monitored analytics to improve audience engagement.
- Technical expertise: Photoshop, iMovie, Illustrator, InDesign, and Canva.
I started working as a professional photographer’s assistant in high school, focusing on weddings, portraits, news, sports, and special events. I was North Dakota’s student photographer of the year in 2005, and I spent the summer of 2006 interning in the photo department of the Fargo Forum. I photographed Holocaust survivors in the Czech Republic in 2007, which led to a gallery exhibit, “Photos of Terezín,” in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 2009.
I started taking on professional photography assignments of my own during college, and I continue to take occasional jobs as a portrait and product photographer.
- Specialties: Weddings, family portraits, business portraits, retail products, news, sports, and special events.
- Technical expertise: Digital and film cameras (primarily Canon), medium-format cameras, specialized lenses, in natural light and with studio lighting.
Bachelor of Science in Art Education, University of Wisconsin (2014)
- Graduated cum laude from the University of Wisconsin, Stout, with a BS in Art Education.
- Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society Art Education Student of the Year finalist, 2014.
- Classically trained in drawing, painting, ceramics, graphic design, printmaking, and art metals.

College Leadership Experience
Vice President, UW-Stout National Art Education Association, 2012-2013
- Community and campus contact for all UW-Stout Art Education students.
- Organized the Visual Arts Classic, an art competition open to Wisconsin high school students.
- Brought updated art history research to the campus library.
Advanced Mentor, 2013-2014
- Offered SMARTboard training to UW-Stout freshmen and sophomores.
- Provided Praxis testing resources.
Director, UW-Stout Children’s Art Club, 2011-2014
- Taught more than 300 weekly art lessons to Stout-area homeschool children.
Founder and President, UW-Stout Children’s Reading Club, 2011-2013
- Improved students’ fluency and comprehension skills by incorporating art into lesson plans.
- Focused on traditional story time as well as folktales, myths, and symbolism; poetry; typography, signatures and logos; and American Sign Language.
Ceramics and Metals Lab Studio Assistant
- Monitored UW-Stout art students, managed kilns, torches, and equipment.
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